Hello I am


Medical Doctor / Holistic Health Mentor / Retreat Facilitator


DR Manish Plaha

I graduated from the University of Manchester medical school in the UK in 2012 and I qualified as a General Practitioner in 2019. I have trained in Psychiatry and extensively researched how we can manage and prevent health disorders through the mind-body connection.

I believe a dysregulated nervous system is the biggest factor that results in physical and mental health problems. Many people that experience this are unaware of its impact until they experience one or more of the many issues which result from it.

I was a hospital doctor under massive amounts of stress. I was constantly in the fight or flight nervous system and living off adrenaline. When living constantly in that state it is difficult to realise what is happening inside, or the impact it is having, as it becomes your normal state of being.

The constant mental chatter, tension in my body, insomnia and overwhelming emotions which I had no knowledge of how to manage took me to the edge of a burn out. I had been taught to believe that productivity, intensity and effort were the gateways to success but following this resulted in a life that was seriously out of balance.

As a result of these challenges I discovered meditation. Within a few weeks of daily practice the crisis I was experiencing dissipated and I returned to what I knew as normal, thankfully I did not stop there. I began training my mind to experience more of the present moment as I performed my daily activities, this helped to take me beyond the challenging patterns I was experiencing and to show me a new way of experiencing life.

Sharing yoga at a retreat in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Once I realised the potential benefits that were accessible I decided that I would dedicate myself to supporting others with this holistic approach. My journey of inner discovery has led me to teaching meditation, yoga, breath work and energy medicine, and sharing this along with my passion for music in retreats all over the world. Everything I share I have practiced extensively and received benefit from in my own journey.

Working in the National Health Service for over ten years taught me a lot about the system that we have. One thing that is clear to me is that in healthcare we are often waiting until situations are already at a crisis point to intervene. This is why I am now devoted to raise awareness and share tools that can be used to empower people to prevent chronic health problems, by treating the root cause, rather than the symptoms. There is far too little awareness on the impact of the mind and emotions in regards to this and I am certain that awareness of this will not only transform the way we practice medicine in the future but also result in significant improvement in the longevity and quality of life of the recipient.

My approach to these tools is grounded in science and combined the latest research from the perspective of neuroscience and quantum physics to help to integrate and rationalise the profound experiences that come with engaging with this work.

This journey has not only resulted in an improvement in physical and mental health but has catalysed an ongoing upward spiral of peace, clarity, joy and self discovery. One that will continue for the rest of my life as I come into deeper realisation of the power of the human mind and how it interfaces with the world around us.

I hold a vision of a New Earth, one where the interconnectedness of all of life pervades all experience, a world where compassion, kindness and unconditional love is our natural way. The path towards this is accessed when we realise these states of being from within as our true nature, this then reflects in the outward experience and the work I share is my contribution to this new world.


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February 25, 2022

5 Ways to Open Your Heart

EXD summit presentation providing 5 ways to open your heart, including the science of heart coherence and its benefits.

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Blog Posts
February 25, 2022

Do you truly love yourself?

A deeper look into self love